-------- 公司簡介 --------
"駿茂香港有限公司", 成立於1995年, 前身為"瑞記有限公司"之分支, 經不斷吸取
市場之回應及經驗之後, 現已壯大為一家 專門供應 "毛衫" "製衣" 業界等所需要及
最好之"生財器具"供應者; 同時 我們 亦是品質嚴謹之生產商, 並於國內自設有廠房及
培育有最好之技術人員作為強力後盾, 以支援 業界 之生產流程; 而且更於 香港 總部
設有寬大之"陳列室", 歡迎 業界 親臨 指導 或 採購 !
我司 除代理經銷各種 歐美進口 之優良產品外, 並有自行生產之主力品牌,包括有
"SKAWOL" 及 "2FLOWERS"; 所有產品全都由 我司 直接提供一年免費維修及保養, 以
免除各界不必要之憂慮和擔心; 而 我們 亦會不段自我增埴, 與時並進, 務求不斷提高
產品之質量, 使配合市場上各種要求 !
我們不但可以為 業界 提供所需之生財器具, 更能夠擔當起"顧問"之角色, 以 專業
之角度 及 經驗, 免費提供 專業之意見; 尤其是關於"清潔去污"方面, 更是我們之專長 ;
絕對可以協助 業界 解決生產上種種困難, 並得以大大提高生產效益,更是 業界 最好之
合作伙伴; 歡迎 業界 來電查詢指教,或 直接親臨面授指導 !
----- Company Profile ------
Wealth Town Company Limited is a leading manufacturer of equipments to supply for Knitwear 
and Garment manufactories. We were founded in 1995. In before,our Company was a branch of the
" Shu Kee Co., Ltd.", but now we are grew up and strong. To ensure our Customer the producing in 
smoothly, we do not only tightly control the  quality  of  our  products , we also have a well equipped 
factory and with a good technical staffs  in China as our strong backer. And in our Hong Kong Head 
office, also has built with a great show room for the Visitors and same Trade are welcome!
Besides being the Agent for the products imported  from  Europe  and  USA , we also have our 
OEM brands, " SKAWOL " and " 2 FLOWERS ". All as our products have provided with one year
warranty,and as to meet the continuously changing market,we are constantly developing new products
and always upgrade ourselves to suit the customer use!
With our rich experience in Garment, our position not only a Supplier, and be a good Consultant,
special in Cleaning, which is our most the best and we are glad to provide the professional advice and 
solutions to any problem encountered by the clients. If You want to increase the efficiency of process
in production, please do not hesitate to contact with us OR visit our show room to get you wish!